Article for causes hair loss

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Much has been said about hair being a person's crowning glory. You've probably noticed how every single shampoo and conditioner commercial emphasizes (and most of the time
over-emphasizes) the need to have long and silky tresses (for the women) and healthy and fuzz-free hair (for the gentlemen). In the metro
there's also a burgeoning of parlors and salons offering a variety of hair care services to cater to the hair whims of every customer. But the reality is that
not everyone is blessed with picture-perfect mane. Men and women have to deal with hair woes such as dry and oily hair
split ends
and hair loss. Since premature loss of hair is hereditary
some people have to face the brutal fact that they would be bald sooner
not later
than they expect. It's an amazing thing to know that several kinds of hair loss treatment are now up for grabs in the market.

According to experts in the field of hair care
women should note that men are not the only ones who have the tendency to experience and suffer hair loss condition. It only seems men are more prone to having partial or complete balding but this doesn't mean women are safe. If a person is starting to notice excessive hair fall and bald spots
he or she should immediately consult his or her doctor. Although a person doesn't have any history of premature loss of hair in the family
he or she can get bald as a side effect of a particular drug. Aside from medication and genes
one can experience premature loss of hair because of an existing disease or illness such as cancer.

hair loss treatments may come in the form of pomade or surgical enhancement. He or she can choose among different brands or methods according to his or her budget and preference.

How do surgical or non-surgical treatments actually fight a person's biological tendency to lose excessive amount or hair? Manufacturers behind most kinds of hair loss treatment like growth stimulators
super oxide dismutase and anti-antrogens explain that these services or products generally stimulate hair follicles to ensure production of healthier and stronger hair strands. But the more effective treatment is DHT inhibitors which prevent 5-Alpha Reductase and testosterone from teaming up and thus
resulting in noticeably less hair fall. Though hair loss is an inevitable reality for some
one can do something to prevent and fight it.
