Article for causes hair loss

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Since 1990s stem cells are used in many treatments. Nowadays for hair regeneration
hair loss stem cell therapy is proving to be a good technique.

First of all we need to know what stem cell is. Stem cells are the first building blocks of our body. We all started as a stem cell and then subsequently divided into millions of cells as we grew over time. Then a reverse process of decreasing stem cells starts
as we get older. The process gets faster if we suffer from diseases like heart attack
diabetes etc.

In stem cell therapy
stem cells are used as a replacement of damaged or dead cells in the body. On the scalp dead cells don’t grow hair and the area becomes bare
which we call bald. Now if we replace the dead cells on the scalp with new ones through stem cell therapy then the bald spot can be transformed into an area full of hair. This is the basic premise of stem cell therapy for treating baldness. After using this therapy to treat baldness
particularly male pattern baldness
some have experienced good results and some have not had good results. The research is still on and hopefully the success rate will improve in the coming years.

In the scientific lab
stem cells are produced and then these cells are injected in the bald areas of the scalp. If the first attempt to generate hair does not work then the doctors try again but the result is not guaranteed as the process is at an initial stage. If you want to try stem cell therapy for hair loss you can contact a dermatologist for the purpose.
