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Scalp Eczema 3
If you have scalp eczema
then you know just how horribly irritating and potentially embarrassing it can be. However
you are not alone. Many people worldwide also suffer daily from this problem. Eczema is a condition that can show up anywhere on the body where there is skin
but for some reason scalp eczema is more prevalent than any other variety of the malady. Unfortunately
eczema has no cure
but can be controlled with medication and attention to the environment
and has been known to clear up and never return
though the potential is always there.

How Does My Scalp Eczema Start?
Scalp eczema usually begins as a mild case of dandruff. In some people
it stays just that – a mild case of dandruff that is easily gotten rid of with the use of a good dandruff shampoo. However
in others
the dandruff continues to get worse and worse. Your head is flaking like a snowstorm
and it begins to itch so intensely that you can barely get anything done because you are scratching so frequently. The skin on your scalp becomes very red
and irritated. You might see scaly bumps on your scalp. Your frenzied scratching can even cause sores and bleeding to occur. Sometimes
there is even hair loss in the area
but this hair will grow back whenever you have managed to clear the eczema up. Men seem to have scalp eczema more frequently that women
but quite a few women are sufferers
too. Teenagers who are in the puberty stage can also frequently be observed with scalp eczema. In their case
it is thought to be cause by the influx of hormones normal for teens that are at this point of their lives.

What Causes My Scalp Eczema?
No one knows yet just what definitely causes scalp eczema. Many studies have been done attempting to isolate the cause
but so far
they have not been successful. The only things that these studies have been able to discover are some of the reasons why scalp eczema is such a problem for so many people. These reasons include –The boy’s hormonal system
which can fluctuate with age A skin fungus that could be caused by a systemic yeast overgrowthA buildup of toxins
which causes your immune system to have to work very hard in an attempt to dislocate and rid the body of these interlopers.
Too much stress in your daily life coupled with a sleep deficit.

What Symptoms Will I Have with Scalp Eczema?
You will think that you merely have a case of dandruff to begin with
and will probably try to clear it up by using medicated shampoo from a drugstore. Sometimes
if the dandruff is mild
you can back the scalp eczema off a degree or two with the use of such a product. However
normally you will experience intense itching that you will go almost mad trying to scratch and relieve! Your scalp will become irritated and red
and may even develop sores. The oil on your scalp will appear excessive to the point where it is very noticeable
and may even be visible as a yellowish substance. The minor dandruff flaking will become much worse
and you may have crusty areas form in the scalp.

How Can I Treat My Scalp Eczema?
When you seek medical treatment for scalp eczema
your health professional will more than likely give you steroids in the form of hydrocortisone. This is not the best treatment
for although the steroids will stop the itching
they do nothing to clear up the real problem. Treatment will mainly consist of medicated shampoos
lotions and creams to get the symptoms under control and into remission
hopefully never to rear their ugly heads again.
You can use a variety of natural treatment including slight diet adjustments for a while and also by using natural oils such as hemp or neem and lavender to soothe and heal. You can also do a lot to help your scalp by using products that are gentle on your skin instead of harsh cleansing ingredients found in most shampoos. To find a good shampoo for scalp eczema look for one that doesn’t contain sulphates (a harsh foaming agent called a surfactant) and instead contains natural surfactants like yukka or coconut.Scalp eczema and other scaly scalp conditions can be eliminated by understanding what to avoid and what you can use at home to nourish and heal your scalp.
