Article for causes hair loss

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Biotin plays a significant part in the prevention of hair loss. Most nutritionists agree that biotin is one of the important vitamins for supporting hair growth. It is also commonly advised to take biotin to supplement medical treatments such Minoxidil or Propecia.

A deficiency of biotin may cause hair to become frail and unhealthy
and hair breakage
which may result in hair loss. Biotin also keeps your skin and nails healthy as well as being an important element of new hair growth.
Supplements are sometimes needed to return biotin levels to normal
but it is recommended to include biotin regularly in your diet. Two foods containing good quantities of biotin are liver and egg yolks. You would have to eat thousands of calories worth daily to get enough for your hair needs
which is why I would also suggest biotin supplements.

Foods full of biotin include brewer's yeast
green peas
sunflower seeds
green peas
bulgur and brown rice. In terms of the egg yolks
your body's ability to digest and assimilate biotin decreases with high intake levels of protein. Biotin binds easily to proteins
making it unavailable to your body
which in turn causes biotin deficiency and hair loss. Try to steer clear of raw eggs in your diet
and cut down on protein powders and bars. Use one of the many shampoos that contain biotin and silica.

those with type A blood don't have the ability to fully absorb B vitamins. Biotin is classified as a Vitamin B
so if you have Type A blood
adding higher doses of 5-8 grams twice daily will be needed to help prevent hair loss. At this time
there are no known side effects at this dosage level.

People suffering from heartburn
acid reflux
or GERD and who are taking antacids may absorb biotin less and hair loss may occur as a result. Therefore watch your use of over-the-counter antacids if you are worried about hair loss.
