Article for causes hair loss

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Many people feel that the problem of hair loss cannot be solved with the help of hair loss treatment products. They often get frustrated after spending too much money on ineffective hair loss remedies and their side effects with no positive results at all. In reality
hair loss treatment can be divided in two categories: Natural hair loss treatments and chemical treatments.

Here are some best hair natural hair loss treatments:

Aloe Vera
Native Americans and Caribbeans have used Aloe Vera to promote healthy hair and prevent hair loss since ages. Aloe Vera balances the pH of the scalp and heals from within. It is also helpful in cleansing the pores. A general remedy of Aloe Vera gel with coconut milk and small amount of wheat germ oil used as a shampoo has shown great benefits. Aloe Vera surely helps you stop hair loss.


If you are affected with hair problems like eczema
dandruff or seborrhea you are requested to use jojoba oil. Native Americans and Mexicans have used jojoba oil for centuries to prevent hair loss and to control dandruff. Jojoba oil works well for hypoallergenic skin
as is a good moisturizer. This is one of the best hair loss treatment products.

Henna is a traditional Indian herb
which is a good natural conditioner and works great as hair loss treatment product. It heals hair shaft by sealing the cuticle and repairing
stops breakage and restores the silky-shiny effect of your hair.

Capsicum – It stimulates hair growth by 50% and increases flow of blood to the scalp. This herb is effective in preventing hair loss.

Lemongrass – This herb helps stabilizing oil product in the scalp. It also provides nourishment to the hair. You can use oil of lemongrass for massage as well.

Dong Quai – Formation of DHT is the main cause of hair loss. Dong Quai contains phytoestrogens
which reduces the formation of DHT. Hence
Dong Quai is believed to be helpful in hair loss.

It is recommended that you consult an expert to know which hair loss treatment product is suitable for you.
