Article for causes hair loss

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Losing your hair to where it thins or you become bald does not have to happen. Just by understanding why your hair falls out and thins allows you to take counter measures. Discover what counter measures you need to take to keep your hair full
or from thinning.

There are various ways to keep your hair clean
and thick. If you still have hair and want to keep it or if your hair is starting to thin out
here are some hair remedies that you can use.

When your hair starts to thin down
three of the reasons are:

* Your hair follicles are slowly becoming plug and preventing hair from growing out

* Your hair is not receiving the nutrients it needs to grow and stay strong

* Your hair is not getting enough blood circulating in your scalp

I will cover only the first of the two items.

Plugged Hair Follicles

Just like acne
your hair follicles can become plugged. In acne a plug follicle results in sebum and bacteria becoming trapped in the follicle
which leads to an infection known as a pimple.

When a hair follicle becomes plugged on your scalp
the hair in that follicle becomes trapped and is prevented from coming to the surface. Over time
your scalp becomes smooth and you become bald or lose most of your hair.

So the secret to preventing hair loss
thinning and balding is to prevent your hair follicles from becoming plugged. Once you know what causes your follicle to plug
you can avoid or counteract those conditions.

Here is what causes your follicles to become plugged.

* Excessive build up of testosterone in blood converting over to DHT and plugging up your hair follicles

* Use of shampoos
and gels that contain excessive un-natural chemical that stay on your scalp and get trapped in your follicles

* Excessive release of sebum and scalp flaking mixing together to form a hard material that plugs up your follicles.

DHT Build Up in Your Follicle

It is well known now that excessive conversion of testosterone into DHT accumulates in the hair follicles and plugs. Knowing this you can use a variety of shampoos on your hair to dissolve this DHT. This keeps your pores open and your hair growing normally. You can also take capsules that prevent the conversion of testosterone into DHT.

Un-natural Shampoo and Conditioners

Most shampoos
and hair gels are created using petrochemicals
un-natural additives
preservatives that are harmful to your hair and scalp.

In addition
these un-natural hair product chemicals get into your pores and can plug. Once in the follicle
they also get into your blood and are harmful to your liver and the rest of your body.

Search for more natural shampoo products which contain fewer petrochemicals and have more herbs with natural cleansing chemicals

Excessive Sebum and Scalp Flaking

Some people have oily hair and some dry. When the hair follicle releases excess sebum it accumulates on the scalp. Here it will combine with dirt
dead scalp cells
and shampoo chemical residues.

Using natural remedies reduces the amount of chemical available to combine with excess sebum and dead scalp cells. If you use any type of gel to style your hair these gels combine with sebum to plug up your follicles.

To keep your hair and scalp clean and follicles open
use aloe vera gel mixed with a few drops of jojoba oil. Buy aloe vera gel
pure and pure jojoba oil. Put some aloe vera gel in your hand and add 4-5 drops of jojoba oil. Rub your hands together then rub this mixture into your hair. This mixture will keep your hair shiny and thick and your hair follicles open.

Just making these changes to your hair care will go a long way in keeping your hair from thinning any further
read more “Why Plugged Hair Follicles Thin Your Hair and What You Can Do”

read more “What Is Your Hair Type”

It is important to note that shedding of hairs is a natural process with anything from 100 to 300 hairs randomly shed each day. In this article we'll look at two distinct aspects of normal hair loss. Firstly
we'll examine what is actually involved in the hair growth cycle. Secondly
we'll assess the natural progression of hair loss over time.

Hair is composed of long
twisted keratin fibers that are protected by a coating of keratinized cells. Just below the surface of the skin lies a cluster of active cells known as the dermal papilla and it is from here that the hair grows into its follicle.

This growing fiber eventually hardens and grows out from the scalp. At this stage the hair fiber is dead with only the root tip containing living cells.

In a little more detail
the hair growth cycle
consists of three distinct stages:

1. Anagen stage - a phase of growth that can last between two and seven years. On average
each hair grows about six inches (15cm) per year.

2. Catagen stage - a phase of transition that lasts roughly two to four weeks. At this time the hair shaft detaches from the dermal papilla and moves up within a shrinking follicle.

3. Telogen stage - a resting period that lasts about three months allowing the hair to detach itself from the follicle before falling out. After this
the cycle repeats itself unless other factors intervene to prevent repetition of the cycle.

Clearly time has a role to play in the development of hair loss for both men and women. Humans are born with varying amounts of soft and fine body hair. Through time some of this hair becomes stronger and develops further characteristics such as colour and texture. Up to the onset of puberty the hairline is characterized by a low spread across the forehead. For men
this continues only for a few more years.

As men progress through their twenties the hairline takes on a more mature look typified by recessions to the frontal temporal regions and accompanied by slight thinning elsewhere. This concave appearance doesn't necessarily equate to premature balding as it is all a question of degree.

The Norwood Scale is an extremely useful tool in developing a hair growth strategy as it allows you to establish your own degree of hair loss in a way that is understood by physicians and other hair loss experts. More importantly
it can help to set your mind at rest and allow you to differentiate between normal hair loss that does not require remedial action and more extreme loss that calls for immediate action.
read more “What Is Normal About Hair Loss”

People lose hair for various reasons. Illness and medication
like chemotherapy to treat cancer
can cause hair loss. Hair loss can also be inherited from a parent. Often
hair thins because it is fine-textured
or because too many harsh chemicals have been used on it
so it breaks easily.

What if I have hormonal hair loss?
The following photos show typical female hormonal hair loss patterns.
Typical female baldness begins with a generalized thinning of the whole scalp. Contrary to male pattern baldness is that no receding hairlines or hair loss on the crown takes place.

A generalized thinning of the hair occurs. It is seldom that a man displays the same type of hair loss pattern as a woman

The thickened hair root prevents the hair bulb from returning back to its place in the skin. Because of this
new hair will be produced
but will not be able to settle. The growth phase will then be disrupted and the hair bulb will continuously produce new hair
instead of lasting the normal five years
will only become a few weeks or months old. Now you have constant hair loss!

I prefer products by L'Oreal
such as Excellence. It's easy on the hair. It never made my hair feel any thinner and adding some auburn highlights to my brown hair always makes me feel like a new person. Because my hair is fine
I never use the enclosed conditioners with hair color products. Hair conditioners often make fine hair feel thinner and unmanageable. On the other hand
if you do want to use some conditioner
use only a fraction of what's recommended! And never use conditioners on your scalp
just put some at the hair ends.

Another great product that I highly recommend is Rogaine. Rogaine has gained a reputation of being able to reverse the hair thinning process!

Bottom line: While we're feeling the way we do during the menopausal years
I think it's important to try anything to help ourselves feel and look better.

Now that you know a little more about what are the causes for hair loss
we urge you to find out more about how hair loss
or hair thinning can be prevented! Yes
it is true
there are many effective products on the market right now which has been proven to be truly effective in reversing thinning hair problems! Come! Find out more!
read more “What Is Hormonal Hair Loss Can It Be Controlled”

All of us lose hair everyday
whether male or female
young or old. This is pretty obvious from the hair that is left in our brush or comb. Also
you can easily find fallen hair that collects near the drain pipe in your shower room.

Most of us lose hair every day; you only have to look at your hair brush or comb to see this is true. In fact
this may surprise you but every two to three months we may find we lose up to 10 percent of our hair. It is a natural growth cycle that hair undergoes. New hair grows
and old hair falls out because they have reached the end of their life cycle which varies from between two and six years. What alerts someone to his hair loss is when he begins to suspect that more hair is lost than “normal” and that a balding scalp is beginning to form.

There are varying reasons as to why someone may lose more than the normal amounts of hair. It could be hormonal – relating to the thyroid or the male or female hormones may be out of balance. Sometimes people may lose hair some months after they have experienced an illness or major surgery. Sometimes after giving birth some women may experience more hair loss than normal – this is due to the hormones returning back to their normal levels.

Certain medications may also cause hair loss. These medicines include blood thinners (anticoagulants)
those used to treat gout
contraceptive pills and some antidepressants. Too much vitamin A can also lead to a loss of hair. Hair loss may also occur due to an underlying disease that may not have been diagnosed
such as Lupus or diabetes
so any unusual hair loss is always best to get checked out by your physician.

How a person takes care of his or her hair has an impact on hair loss. Hair loss can be more severe if hair is often tied up (pig tails or cornrows)
or in tight hair rollers on a regular basis. The constant pulling on the hair can cause a type of scarring and in the long term could lead to permanent hair loss. Also
prolonged use of hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in perms may cause swelling of the hair follicle
which can result in scarring and lead to hair loss.

Then of course
there are the more common or well known types of hair loss – male pattern baldness – brought about be genetic factors. This usually starts off with a receding hair line and baldness eventually appearing on top of the head.

While hair loss is more common in men
women are not spared totally either. Women may also suffer from the female version of this type of Alopecia whereby the hair becomes thin over their entire scalp.

In some of the forms of hair loss mentioned above
hair loss can be treated
either by changing medication
balancing hormones
and if temporary
letting nature take its course. Others though
such as male or female pattern baldness can be trickier to deal with. If you intend to sign up for a particular hair loss treatment course
be sure to do some research first before paying huge sums of money for it.
read more “Ways Leading To Hairloss”

In today's image conscious society
physical appearance is more important than ever to a woman's self-esteem. Imagine the heartache caused when a woman notices her hair thinning? It is estimated that over 25 million women experience thinning hair in the United States. Many are genetically predisposed to the condition. Most wonder if there are any natural remedies to help or prevent their female hair loss.

Several vitamins have been found to be very effective in supporting female hair health. Of course
many factors may contribute to female hair loss but proper nutrition can help prevent further thinning and more loss.

Vitamin A has been found to support the healthy development of tissues and cells in the body and also supports healthy hair. This important vitamin promotes healthy hair follicles by keeping the root of the hair lubricated. Vitamin A can be found in green vegetables
particularly the leafy ones
orange and yellow vegetables
liver and eggs. Many good multivitamins contain the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A
so don't take additional supplements without a physician’s supervision. Overdoses of vitamin A can be dangerous.

A healthy scalp is also essential to healthy hair. Vitamin E supports a healthy scalp by helping to increase the oxygen supplied through the blood. Americans rarely suffer from a vitamin E deficiency
but increasing one’s intake of green leafy vegetables
fortified grains and cereals and nuts can help ensure that this important nutrient is adequate. Vitamin E supplements are also available for this matter.

The B vitamins are also important for hair health. Regulating the amount of iron in the blood
these vitamins also help oxygen flow through the lungs to the tissues. Of course
a B vitamin deficiency would damage the hair and scalp by limiting the amount of oxygen that these tissues receive. B vitamins are available as supplements and in several foods
including proteins and soybeans
nuts and wheat germ.

If a proper nutrition that involves essential vitamins and minerals helps in hair loss prevention and a good healthy scalp
then paying extra attention to the food and supplements that you eat is well worth the time and effort!
read more “Vitamins For Female Hair Loss Prevention”